The association Science2 is committed to treating fairly and professionally all authors throughout the peer review process and beyond.
- All submitted manuscripts will be handled in a strictly confidential manner. Only the editor(s) and reviewers will be aware of the manuscript details.
- The anonymity of the reviewers will be strictly preserved (single-blind peer review). Reviewers can choose to disclose their identity to authors (see Reviewer Responsabilities).
- Science2 is fully compliant with data protection regulations.
Professionalism: The editor(s) will
- acknowledge receipt of submitted manuscripts within two working days of submission and ensure their efficient, fair and timely assessment.
- make the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.
- decide to accept or reject a manuscript for publication following a pre-assessment, only based on the importance, originality and clarity of the manuscript, and its relevance to Chemistry2.
- respect the authors' intellectual independence.
- disclose any conflicts of interest that might arise. For instance, if an editor is an author of a submitted manuscript, this will be passed to another editor to ensure independent peer review.
- not use data reported in submitted articles for their own research.
- consider reviewers suggested by the authors. However, for the sake of proper and fair peer reviewing, the editor maintains the right to send manuscripts for evaluation to reviewers of their own choice.
- try to avoid the use of non-preferred reviewers mentioned by the authors, unless a significant over-riding interest in doing so can reasonably be considered.
- respond to any suggestions of scientific misconduct or to convincing evidence that the main substance or conclusions of a published manuscript is erroneous, typically through consultation with the authors. Such an occurrence may require the publication of a formal 'retraction' or correction.
- deal fairly with authors' appeal against the rejection of their manuscript.
- ban an author for a limited duration in the most extreme and unusual cases of scientific misconduct, and with the specific agreement of appropriate members of the editorial board of Chemistry2 and the directorate of Science2.
Data protection: The association Science2 will not share personal data with any individual or organisation.
Hence, Science2, which is a non-profit organisation, will:
- never pass personal details to anyone outside the association. At Science2, we are against the use of personal information for marketing purposes.
- safely store your personal information, which will remain secure at all times.
- not keep personal information any longer than necessary.
- not disclose personal email addresses to any other recipient (unless there is a clear and express consent to do so).
- always delete personal information if requested (by contacting Science2 via
- always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Hence, personal data (for example names, addresses, email addresses, country of residence) will be processed according to individual rights under the Data Protection Act 1998.
- not use cookies.
- consider any applications made for membership.
- only share individual information outside Science2 if compelled by law to do so.
- use a Secure Site License (SSL) approved technology where appropriate.
- upon request, provide individuals with a copy of all their personal information hold by the association.
- upon request, correct or update personal data at any time.