Besides the online version of the articles, offline copies are backed up. Furthermore, several high-resolution coloured prints of each article is archived in our office. Finally, each year articles are burned to a CD (which can be ordered for a very modest price).
Appeal procedure: the authors have the opportunity to respond to an editorial decision through an appeal. An appeal will be considered at the discretion of the association Science2.
The appeal process will operate in the following way:
- A rebuttal letter should be sent to the editor via The letter should clearly explain the motivations of the rebuttal of the decision, and should include a detailed response to the reviewers' comments.
- The appeal will then be considered by the editorial team. All rebuttals are treated on a case-by case basis.
If the appeal is granted, then
- The manuscript will undergo further evaluation by at least one independent expert reviewer
- The editor-in-chief takes the final decision.
Accepted manuscripts: the Graphical Abstract of an accepted article will immediately be published online.
The article will be edited and formatted, and the galley-proofs will be sent to the authors, who will have 48 hours to check them.
The authors will be informed about the required file formats when receiving the referees' comments on their manuscript. The use of the templates of Chemistry2 is recommended (see How to prepare your manuscript).
The final version of the article (in PDF format) will only be available online (on the page Publications) after:
- having placed a completed open access form (see OA Forms and APC)
- submission of the completed APC form and payment of the APC (see OA Forms and APC).
Accepted manuscripts can be cited using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI®), created through CrossRef. The official publication date is the date when the graphical abstract of an article is published online.
Any additional information about accepted manuscripts can be obtained from the Editorial Office of Chemistry2 via
Annual CDs Service: each year, a CD containing copies of all articles of that year will be created and made available for a very modest price (i.e. the price required for covering the production costs).
Funding data: funding information collected from the authors are registered in Funding Data from CrossRef. This funding information, matching to funders listed in the Open Funder registry, is made publicly available through CrossRef.
Attribution identifier: the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a unique persistent digital identifier that distinguishes a researcher from every other; the ORCID iD automatically links all professional activities of a research, ensuring that her/his work is recognised.
Therefore, the corresponding author is encouraged to provide an ORCID iD when submitting a revised manuscript. Co-authors are also encouraged to provide their ORCID iD.
Correction and retraction policy: published articles should remain extant, exact and unaltered to the maximum extent possible (see STM guidelines).
Science2 will consider any post-publication suggestions of scientific misconduct or convincing evidence that a published manuscript contains erroneous data. After consultation with the author, the publication of a formal retraction or correction may be required, in line with the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) guidelines.
- inconclusive evidence of research or publication misconduct is received
- evidence of unreliable findings is received, if these are not investigated by the authors' institution
- an investigation into alleged publication misconduct is believed not to be fair and impartial or conclusive
- an ongoing investigation will require a considerable time to reach a judgment
The expression of concern is available online, linked to the corresponding article.
- the scientific accuracy of the published information is subsequently proven to be seriously limited
- part of an otherwise reliable publication appears to be incorrect, due to an unintentional error(s)
- the author/contributor list is not correct, because (i) a deserving author has been omitted or (ii) an individual who does not meet authorship criteria has been included
The correction is available online, linked to the corresponding article.
- there is clear evidence that the reported findings are unreliable, both from scientific misconduct (e.g. fabrication of data) or unintentional error(s) (e.g. incorrect interpretation, experimental error, etc.)
- reported data have previously been published elsewhere (i.e. redundant publication)
- the manuscript contains plagiarism
- unethical research is reported
The retraction notice is available online, linked to the corresponding article, which will be marked as "RETRACTED". The corresponding APC will not be returned (see Authors responsibilities).
Data policy: all data related to the work described in a manuscript should be freely available as Supporting Information. See How to prepare your manuscript for further information.
Policy on prior publication: the research may be presented ahead of publication:
- in preprints (i.e. un-refereed documents) deposited in non-commercial repositories (e.g. ChemRxiv), institutional repositories or authors’ personal websites, where they are freely accessible
- at scientific conferences, through recorded presentations, posters and abstracts that are in open access
- as uninterpreted/undiscussed (raw) data in commercial or non-commercial databases
- in internet and social media like twitter, facebook, blogs, etc.
- in academic dissertations and theses, available in print and/or open access
- in electronic lab notebooks
A work that has already been published, or is under review in another journal will not be considered for publication.
Any question regarding "prior publication" doubts can be asked to the editor(s) via
Patents and intellectual property: it is encouraged to resolve any pending intellectual property or patent applications before submission of an article.
The graphical abstract of an accepted manuscript is published online within 24 hours after acceptance. The article (version of record) is published online after receiving the proof corrections and the payment of the APC (see OA forms and APC).